
Home Affordability calculator

Potential Home Price
Loan Amount
How much down payment can you make?
How much EMI can you pay per month?
Sum of all your EMIs shouldn't exceed 30% of monthly salary
Interest Rate
% p.a.
Loan Tenure
What does the Home Affordability Calculator do?
The Home Affordability Calculator is a tool used to estimate how costly a home you can afford based on your financial situation. These calculators consider various factors, including your income, debts, down payment, and loan terms, to provide an estimate of the maximum home price you can afford without exerting yourself financially.
How do banks determine the loan amount and interest rates offered?
Income, credit score, existing debts, loan tenure and market conditions are some of the factors that are used to determine the loan and interest rates offered.
Who can be my co-applicant for a home loan?
For individuals, co-applicants can be parents, children (above 18 years), or a spouse. The co-applicant does not need to be the co-owner, but a co-owner must be a co-applicant.